Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I really wished I had a reason to be back at writing this thing but I don't. My life is kinda standing still, friends have come and gone, I haven't even Dated someone in over a year. Haven't found anyone until recently, and until we figure things out, but Drama, drama, drama. Geez it get old.

I have big plains on the way but I can't talk about them, if you want to be a part of them, let me know.

Well, I'm tired, I do want to get back to this thing because it seems that a few of you have lost touch.

Ask me anything

Monday, August 9, 2010

Taxes Hold'em Massacre

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Interview with Tony Daniel

Monday, May 10, 2010

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man
And I think it's gonna be a long long time...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I've got a new Blog!!! Best of Both Worlds

So this blog is just going to be for personal info, updates with my life and what not. And this NEW blog will be my professional blog, with reviews on TV and Movies, true west news, and next weekend updates on American Dream shooting, then weekend of the 16th-18th I'm covering C2E2. So join my new blog

Darthdaw37's Best of Both Worlds

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What would you do for love?

What wouldn't I do for love, is the better question. All I want is someone to hold and be with when I need them, I know I can find happiness if I let my self, but most of the time I feel that if don't wait the person I meant to be with will then come along and I'll miss my chance. Even now I don't even anyone is even interested in me in the least, It's a sad time to be me thats for sure.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"In a nutshell,..." What's your philosophy? ^^ Follow me on twitter or ask me a question if you want to :)

Well, when in doubt fuck it, I get screwed over more times then I can count. But I try my best to believe that what I do is for the good of all my friends, I know it might not seem that way but it's true, I know that when the time come and I make something of my self they will be right there at my side.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Andrew Crowley: American Dream

Monday, March 15, 2010

People need to ask me questions

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Planet of the Ood:

So why is it you have terrible luck with women, it seems like every time you have something going for you, it always seems to fall apart?

Because I'm to annoying, I start to care to much and end up just making a fool of my self. Every time I meet someone that I think would be an awesome companion for me, I get afraid to lose that, and end up scaring them away. And when I feel like things are going badly I'll do they thing I can to push them away, not on by choice I don't realize I do it until it's to late. You know the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well that kinda fits me to a tee. I've ruined so many friendships just because I thought it was more then what it was, and when I fall I fall hard.

Right now everything is going right in my life, except the fact I no one to spend it with. I don't think anyone can understand what it's like to be where I am right now.

What does it take for me to find someone to make me happy. I mean, Im not shallow, I'm somewhat funny, I'm a somewhat nice guy. I know some people don't see my teasing as as flirting but just be being an ass, but it's something I'm trying to fix, all of this is,

If you could say anything you wanted to somebody (you don't have to say who) without strings attached... what would you say to them?

Since both of these question are some what similar at the core for me, I'm sorry. That goes to so many people, what I would do to take back all the things I've said to you or did, that is the reasons we aren't together now, I would spin the world backwards to reverse time, I would risk ripping a hole in all of time and space to be with you. I just wish I could do things differently.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Fires of Pompeii:

What changes do you plan to make to "Comics"?

It needs to be more personal, it lost it's self, or I should say I lost my self. I for got why I was writing it in the first place, Alot has change over the last 6 years

Ask me anything

Partners in Crime: formspring

If your life was a movie, what would it be titled?

"Comics" I've been working on it since high school, but thats the hard part about working on something that long, the story changes

Ask me anything

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Voyage of the Damned:

Would you like to start working out regularly with a workout pal?

Yes, not that my time allows for much but yes I would

Ask me anything

The Last of the Time Lords:

If you could do anything for a day without limits, how would you spend it?

I would love to just drive, on nice sunny day Windows down, music up, a couple of friends, and not have to worry about gas or time, doesn't matter were we would go or do.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The American Dream

So a little project has been dropped in my hands, It's a short film about our American, or What the American dream is to us. We will be entering it in to different competitions Locally and Nationally if its Turns out well.

Questions to think about
- Who are the dreamers that inspire us today
- What is the American Dream
- How has the American Dream Changed over time
- How do divers Cultures view the American Dream
- How have significant historical events affected the American Dream
- How will opportunities of the 21st century Challenge T.A.D
-What makes Video/ Film an effective medium for sharing the American Dream
-What is Your American Dream
-How can your crew show your american dream in this medium.

I'm looking for Crew that can meet every Saturday or Sunday from now, until the week end of April 10 and 11 when we start shooting.

This coming Saturday or Sunday will just be us deciding on an Idea, coming together with what we think the American Dream is and a Concept for the short film.

Please let me know If you are all interested in working on this project, then I'll get you more information on Meeting places and time.

To see True West's other work please check out.

And my Youtube Channel

The Sound of Drums:

If you could plan a day with someone you haven't seen in awhile who would it be and what would you plan to do?

Go lunch or dinner, hopefully good chat, I would just like to talk to them for sometime, get caught up/ test the field. Then go to the movies or comic book shop, depending on who I'm with. Maybe do a bit or shopping or what not. If it the summer I like to go walking in a couple parks, so do that at some point maybe.

Right now a few people come to mind; Matt Lievertz, Ashley Pasch, Cassie Bubnis, Debbie Combs, Dustin Spain, Gabriel White, Jeff Murray, Leslie Albright, Michael Dicus, Michael Pandel, Paul Runko, Ryan Hase, Sean McBurney, Zach Mahassine

If I left you out I'm sorry

Ask me anything

Saturday, February 27, 2010


who, not how but if they like you they must be nuts, lol

still no clue how it is, do I know you?

Ask me anything


So It seem you might have a secret admirer, any ideas as to how this mystery person is?

like how, as in if they are sane, or if they are off their rocker crazy... nope, no clue.

Ask me anything

The Family of Blood:

Who are the few "Dream girls" that you know?

well, there are the ones that I've based my "dream girl" on such as Leslie, I love her to death and will always be there for her but I can't see my self with her. But I would be one of the luckiest guys in the world if I was. I wish I wouldn't have ran things in the ground with Jackie because she's was awesome. Then I love Mallory shes awesome, Chance is a lucky man to have her. I can make a list, but I'm not going to because If I were to there might be some people on it that would freak out and ruin our friendship if they knew I saw them that way. So I'm going to play it safe.

See I really haven't really ever dated that much so I kind judge my dream girls on ones that are already taken. So I know that I'm not just wishing to meet someone that isn't real that fits my dream girl standard, I'm just hoping to me one thats in to me.

Ask me anything

Human Nature:

If you could create a "Stepford Wife" what would she look like?

can I just have Nicole Kidman?

Ask me anything


What's the raunchiest dream/fantasy you've had/thought of with someone you know?

um since I need to be some what professional I'm not going to answer this on a public forum. If you wish to know send me a private message on facebook

Ask me anything

The Lazarus Experiment:

If you were part of a bicycle, which part would you be?

I would be the man riding the bike

Ask me anything

Evolution of the Daleks:

Big or Little spoon?

Big spoon, I'm fat so the big spoon is most likely someone bigger

Ask me anything

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Ok so it been awhile since my last real update, and I'm sure you all are getting tired of reading my answers, but the thing is I really don't have much to say at the moment, life is good so that doesn't make for good reading, I have come to the fact that I'm making my self save money to get the hell out of Indy by the end of June but we'll see how that goes, I've just got alot a bills to get caught up on. I'm trying I really am. On the other side I'm really busy, Working Fedex and at the station, I'm really exhausted all the time but hopefully the pay out is worth it. Valentines Day was good but we haven't had a second date yet but are planing it, it's just hard to match up our schedules since we live like 2 hours away. I think it has the potential to be something if the distance doesn't get in the way. I do have some projects coming up that will be awesome!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daleks in Manhattan:

Can you give a list of ten real friends and their would be character?

Me - the nerdy guy who saves the day
Andrew - the fat guy that dies in the first 10 min
Edsel - the Pot head
Danz - the Funny man
Chris Burton - the theatre nut
Chris Crowley - the annoying teenage fan trying to be my side kick
The Smiths - that couple that makes every situation socially awkward but say funny things every once in a while
Jake Westmoreland - the cool kid
Chance Hoover - the person who gives me the motivation in the third act/ the token black guy

Ask me anything


Are you working on any projects at the moment?

yes but I'm not going to talk about them you'll just have to wait and see.

Ask me anything

The Shakespeare Code:

You have a friend that's a cowboy!?

well an urban cowboy, not like the movie but he doesn't rope cattle or anything, he just prowls the streets of Indianapolis trying to stop crime, kinda like if batman wore a cowboy hat

Ask me anything

Smith and Jones:

If you were directing/casting a production which of your friends would you cast in certain parts? example: Bob - The creeper

um this is tough because everything I write, I basically write my friends as them selves, etc... Jake Westmoreland as the cowboy, Danz as the funny guy, Chris Crowley the emo band kid no one talks to (jk) Edsel as Aqua-man I can go on and on

Ask me anything

The Runaways Bride:

Do you currently have a crush on anybody you know personally?

yup, I do

Ask me anything


Why aren't you sure you want to say who your first kiss was?

not sure they would appreciate me telling the world all about it.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Army of Ghost:

Who was your first kiss with? And was it the person you wanted/thought it would be?

um not sure I want to say, but yes at the time

Ask me anything

Fear Her:

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Either Graduation, or my first kiss. Oh how I wish I would have done things differently after that point.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love & Monsters:

What was the best advice you've ever received?

anything from Jason Blanchard

Ask me anything

the Satan Pit:

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

I've been watching alot of BSG as of late, so Tricia Helfer is at the top of my head

Ask me anything

The Impossible Planet:

Who inspires you the most?

My friends

Ask me anything

The Idiot's Lantern:

If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so you never had to do it again, what would it be?

The best place to read comics is on the toilet, so that has to stay. Showering makes me feel good so that stays........ I'm going to go with shaving its rather annoying, I kinda just wish it would stay at a 5o' clock shadow all the time, Because well it grows out its kinda white trashy and when its clean I look like I'm 12

Ask me anything

The Age of Steel:

Are there any girls in your life that match your description of a 'Dream girl'?

I know a few. Why, Do you?

Ask me anything

Monday, February 22, 2010

Rise of the Cybermen:

How would you decribe your 'Dream girl'?

I'm not to shallow when it comes to looks but I do have standards, They have have to look better then me which isn't hard to do. But She has to be cool, have personality, some what nerdy or at least lets me be nerdy, I dont want to hind who I am when I'm with her. I love watching movies so She needs to enjoy them as well, I'm Lazy, and I like a girl who isn't, Someone who can get me out of the house and enjoy the world with. They have to let me spend money on them but not be with me for money. Be somewhat controlling because I have a hard time making up my mind.

Ask me anything

Girl in the fire place:

Did you know 4 lom existed? this is to prove a point lol

the Star Wars Bounty Hunter 4 Lom? or is there another meaning to it i don't know about. Because you didn't need to prove I was a nerd, It's all ready well know

Ask me anything

School Reunion:

Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

I have a scar on my left leg from a light saber fight were I trip over a log and cut a huge slice in my leg, It's like 8 inches long, In stead of getting stitches like I should have I rapped my leg in paper towels and duck tape.

Ask me anything

Tooth and Claw:

How would you describe your style?

um Nerd? Comic Book T-shirt, Kaki Shorts, Socks with sandals / Boot, or Retro David West since it has slightly changed, but thats what I'm know for

Ask me anything

New Earth:

What video game have you played the most?

Metal Gear Solid!!!

Ask me anything

The Christmas Invasion:

What do you honestly think about Andrew John Crowley?

I love him, he's the closet thing I've Had to a brother, yet I will say he needs to get over him self, that The only way he can be happy Is to let him self be happy. It doesn't take much to ruin his day, He could get stopped at a light and it would piss him off the rest of the day. He needs to stop having such high Standard for not only women but everyone around him. I've told him this all before so I hope he wont get pissed at me for saying it again.

Ask me anything

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The parting of Ways:

What music are you listening to today?

none I'm listening to podcasts, I'm getting caught up on DWO: WHOCAST

Ask me anything

Bad Wolf:

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose?

all of them, kinda like MJ was, when he died

Ask me anything

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boom Town:

Ask me anything

The Doctor Dances:

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

what's the Answer to life, the universe and everything?

Ask me anything

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Empty Child:

Best American rock band?

Van Halen and or Styx

Ask me anything

Fathers Day:

What is your biggest regret?

Hurting some people I really care about and losing them as friends for a while,

Ask me anything

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The long Game:

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

TV I guess

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


What is the worse and best thing about high school for you?

The worst would be losing Mat Smith as a friend for a while, the Best would have to be that besides that little incidence, my friends were always there for my me when i need them. Honest to god truth on that one. You weren't the wort thing to happen to me, close but not the worst =P. that was the past. Hell I would love to be able to spend time with you now that we are both old and more mature and not as crazy. =)

What would your perfect day look like?

sunny, about 75 degrees out side, I would just drive with my windows down and radio up.

Ask me anything

World War Three:

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

Hello! Oka- New teeth. That's weird. So where was I? Oh, that's right --Barcelona!

Ask me anything

Aliens of London:

Do you believe in fate?

I would have to say yes, I look at my life so far and there isn't another way to look at it. Coincidence happens way to often for it to be anything other then Fate. But maybe I just know what I want and make things go the way I want them to, and some times I'll get knocked back but I'll still get to my goal. So Maybe I make my own Fate. "There are laws of time. Once upon a time there were people in charge of those laws, but they died. They all died. Do you know who that leaves? Me! It's taken me all these years to realise the laws of time are mine! And they will obey me!"

Ask me anything

What was the weirdest gift you ever received?


Ask me anything

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Unquiet Dead:

Where do you see yourself in five seconds?

hopefully i'm finished typing this?

Ask me anything

End of the World:

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Well as I'm starting to get things rolling here in Indy, I'm saving money up and hopefully I'm moving to NYC in at the end of May or June, but in 5 years I see my self working at one of the tv studios in NYC and hopefully getting on a few features in the process. Getting a place of my know and living life.

Ask me anything

Sunday, February 14, 2010


If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

I'm working on coming up with a talk show while I'm interning at WFYI so I'm trying to come up with a few.

Ask me anything

Friday, January 8, 2010


My 5 year old niece made me so proud today. Her, my sister, and Brother-in-law came over for dinner and not much was on tv, so my parents put on High School Musical 3 for her and as Soon as they did she was like "no I want to watch Doctor Who with Uncle Davy" then ran into the to our computer room and grabbed my Sonic Screwdriver. It was great, my dad hates Doctor Who, and just seeing his face when she did that was great.

I ended up putting on Partners in Crime for her because I figured she'd like the Adipose, she's only scene random episodes of Tennant's doctor but can name all of the companions and tell you what TARDIS stands for not bad for only seeing a hand full of episodes. I wonder how she would take seeing a different Doctor at her age?

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So I know I'm a bit late for this.

Well 2009 is Over, what a year! One that I'm not likely for get anytime soon. I got to meet so many brilliant people, many of which became friends. I can't even being to tell you all about my year, hell thats what this blog is for right? It's been Up and Down.

One thing that stands out for me, is I got obsessed with a show call Doctor Who. Which I have to say helped me through this year. Never has a show done this to, I feel this show has made me a better person, I've found a new Role Model in a time I need inspiration. Well I would feel down I would have a friend to push me to be better, then I am. Which could come from my feeling of not ever feeling like I fit in while I was in Florida, so I found some thing to make the last few months there more bearable. And as my life changed though out the year so did my adventures with the Doctor. As my readers know a few months ago I got really depressed, not leaving my room for days, I was in such a dark place come Thanksgiving. I felt even more connected to the show.

Then comes Decemeber, after such a hard few months my life is finally looking up. I'm starting to feel like a new Man. I've done some things that I'm not proud of this year, and hurt people I love, I'm done with that, I've done what I could to make things better, and what an End to the Year and a great start for 2010. The Doctor that made me fall in love with this show, is no more, he regenerated in to a new man, and I'm excited to see where this new Doctor takes me, and my own Adventures for 2010 which are looking to be Fantastic!

"The Needs of them Many out weigh the needs of the Few or the One" - Mr. Spock

Andrew Crowley:

Buddy not much to say really, you are a brother to me. This might sound gay as hell but you know how to take me go from feeling like hell, to putting a smile on my face. I love you buddy.

Chris Danz:

Kinda the same as Andrews, but I wouldn't have made it in florida with out you, and having you here in Indy makes being back home so much easier. I know it sounds gay but I consider you Family.

Chance Hoover:

Buddy, there isn't anyone else I would rather go to when I need help, you are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. love you bud

Mat and Heather Smith:

You both have made my time home interesting, some times tiring. Mainly because Mat you Always seem to call when I'm either sleeping, trying to get to sleep, or just gotten to sleep, lol but I still love you both.

Jake Westmoreland:

We need to hang out more then we do, but I know I can always count on you.


Nuff Said!! Our History says it all.

There are so Many other people in my life Friends and Family that have made this year what it was. I've done what I can to start to try to get close to some again, and I've pushed some away to where I'm surprised they even talk to me, since they can't stand the thought of seeing me. Which hurts more then not talking. Then there are Some That I never would have thought I'd see again.

To 2010 ALLONS-Y!!!!!

Tribute to what came before....

and a look at what is left to come....